High Level of competence

Kevin in't Veld


Serious satisfaction

Kevin operates with an Agile Mindset and nothing is impossible. Kevin’s years of military and hardcore mining experience supports in his experience and story based training methods


International Footprint

Kevin has delivered strategic facilitation and project management courses across the globe. Highlights have been exclusive workshops in Sudan, Ethiopia Saudi Arabia, The Emirates, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malaysia and Thailand



Kevin designs all his own courseware and facilitation programs. Kevin’s software development company provides for the development of state the art simulations and allows for full client centric program customisation. Kevin’s has equipped himself with the latest delivery technologies and develops simulation basedtraining products for international speakers and trainers.

Kevin's Expertise

The Bridgit Group is comprised of Bridgit Africa and Bridgit Malaysia. We aim to develop the project management maturity of corporate and SME organisations. We do this by enhancing your Human Capital’s capability to think strategically, manage and lead your organization at a global level. Rapidly changing environments need well-trained human capital to succeed in this globalized economy. Our educational and coaching methods have been carefully engineered and prioritised for equipping clients with the right knowledge and skills.

People to Project Sdn Bhd (P2P) supplies project management software and related services to the ASEAN region. P2P is supported by its international strategic business partners and owned by an integrated mix of East and West. Custom software applications addressing specific enterprise needs have become a part of today’s technology landscape as the limitations of packaged software become apparent. P2P focuses on creating custom applications for your business process needs.

What is Colored Brain? It is the brain’s genetic processing of the world around individuals using the theory that each of the 4 colors represents a different processing profile. How do colored brains think, communicate and act? Which color are you? What about those around you? These exciting and innovative courses help professionals learn an effective way in understanding themselves and their teams. These courses are beneficial to all project industries in achieving excellence.


Happy Clients

Amazing Experience

I would like to say thanks you for your support in helping me achieve my PMP designation and pass my exams. Truly grateful and now ever ready to deliver successful projects in my career and most importantly, for the country. I hope this also helps achieve your aspiration, to groom and create more certified project managers in the country through PMP. Thanks,


Alex Shen

“The Most Important Thing In Project Management Communication Is Hearing What Isn’t Said.”